Phytotron COVID19 Operations Copy

Please read in entirety before scheduling an entry time:

We are continuing to require everyone to schedule a time to come into the Phytotron to work so we can stay socially distant and monitor daily activity of the Phytotron. 

In the interest of maintaining distance, please be aware our staff requires access to chambers and greenhouse spaces between 9:00AM-10:00AM and 2:00PM-3:00PM for watering and chamber inspection. If it is possible, please schedule your work outside these hours.

To request a time interval, fill out all the information in the request form the best you can. Please sign up for a time at least 24-hours in advance. We realize that occasionally researchers need to request time at the last minute and we will do our best to comply, but please try to plan out your work in advance and wait for a confirmation email before you enter the building.

Information we are looking for in the form:

  • Let us know what areas you will need access to in the Phytotron.
  • What you are planning to do.
  • Any supplies or special requirements that you may need.
  • The time interval you are requesting.

You are still required to wear a mask in common areas (lobby, locker rooms, stairwells and main hallways). (We will update as NCSU policies change.)

Chamber adjustments and other requests can be made through the website under the Request tab.

As always, please remember not to visit other greenhouses or growth chambers before coming to the Phytotron unless you shower before entering the Phytotron.  We are returning to requiring researchers to wear a lab coat when visiting the Phytotron.  Clean lab coats are located in the cabinet near the locker room entrances.

There will be spray bottles with 80% ethanol on each floor as you enter the floor. Please use the 80% ethanol to sanitize all surfaces that you touch in your area before you leave and return the spray bottle to the place you found it when you leave the Phytotron.

As outlined in the Phytotron Standard Operating Protocol and University PRR 04.00.06, we ask everyone entering the Phytotron to swipe their ID card (no piggy backing).  If you are bringing in a visitor that does not have Phytotron access, please have them sign the log-sheet in the lobby.

To summarize:

Before you come to the Phytotron:

  • Sign up for a day & time to come to the Phytotron.
  • Wait for a staff member to approve your time.
  • Make sure you have requested any supplies you will need to complete your work.
  • Do not go to other greenhouses or plant growth facilities on the day you are coming to the Phytotron or shower before coming.


When you enter the Phytotron:

  • Sanitize your hands when you enter the lobby.
  • Stay only for the time you have requested (or less).
  • You are required to wear a mask in common areas (lobby, locker rooms, stairwells and main hallways). (We will update as NCSU policies change.)
  • No food or drinks are allowed beyond the lobby.


When you are exiting the Phytotron: 

  • Spray surfaces you have touched in your work area.
  • Return ethanol spray bottle to the original location.


Scheduling Form      Calendar      Enter/Exit Form